Crzr | Committees | Council positions | Fraternal benefit night
Grand Knight’s Message
Fall is officially here. Our meeting this month is on Tuesday, Oct. 3. We start with the rosary at 7 p.m. and the council meeting at 7:30 p.m. If you need a ride to be able to attend, please reach out to me and we will make sure someone can pick you up and drive you home.
It was great to see over 75 people come out last Wednesday for the Octoberfest. How about the Culkar-Golob Band!?! They were great! Thank you to everyone who gave to the free will donation for the evening. This collection paid for the band. Also, we have some great cooks in our organization. The food was delicious. I think my favorite holiday is Octoberfest!
October also means NFL football Crzr selling season is coming to an end. How are those Football Crzr ticket sales going? Tickets must be turned in to me no later than October 18 to be eligible for all the games on the tickets. Tickets are being sold for $20. If you have tickets that you do not believe you will be selling, please return them to the hall for others to sell. I currently have five unsold tickets in my possession if anyone needs one. Sold tickets and money can be turned in each Wednesday at the hall. The sooner the better! So far, we have 96 tickets turned in. We are hoping to top last year’s turn in of 168 tickets.
Committee Updates:
The family committee: Thanks to those that nominated for September. I am pleased to announce that the McMullen family from St. Paul Parish is our September family of the month. Please nominate a family by October 15. Nomination forms are in the hall. Please remember the family does not have to have a council member, but are a positive example of a family with their parish.
Also, the family committee is having a food drive leading up toward Thanksgiving. Though nonperishable food is welcome to be donated and there is a box in the hall, we will also be collecting monetary donations, as many food banks can stretch the money collected to purchase more than individually. Watch for a collection container in the lounge where you sign the weekly book. If we collect and donate $500, the Supreme Council will refund our council $100.
Membership Committee: In September, I spoke at both St. John’s and Annunciation. A handful of men have expressed interest after speaking at all 4 parishes. The plan is to hold an exemplification on Oct. 22. We will finalize our plans at our meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 3. I will be speaking at St. Francis De Sales in January, and if we have interest will hold a second exemplification. During events at the hall, I hope to have a table set up for registrations.
Faith Committee: We have a memorial mass scheduled at Immaculate Conception on Sunday, Nov. 5 at 8:30 a.m. We hope you can join us. Other activities are in the works. Last year, we had a weekend at St. Paul Parish where the masses were said for Knights of Columbus Men. Brothers carried up the sacramental gifts. We hope to do this at one of our other parishes this year. If you are a weekly usher, please email me your name, parish, and what mass you usher at. The total ushers we have will be submitted as one of our council activities.
We can still use volunteers to step up and run different programs within our action of faith committees of faith, family, community, life and membership. If you can lend your talents to help out, please come speak with me.
Several council members have shown interest in council positions. I will be using the newsletter each month to share what different council positions there are and what they do. Please read and speak with the current person in the position you are interested in or with me or with Tom Goodhart, our district deputy.
A Knights of Columbus fraternal benefit night is set for Oct. 9, hosted by Owen Shaffer. Hope to see many of our council members there.
I encourage everyone to come out every Wednesday at the hall starting at 6 p.m. If you need a ride, let me know. Sign the book for a chance to win the weekly drawing. Enjoy a hotdog and other delicious potluck items, plus socialization.
Please keep reading, as more information and events are listed later in the newsletter.
Be Good Everyone.
Steve Dort,
Grand Knight
Council Position of the Month
Grand Knight
- Presides over all meetings
- Appoints program and membership directors
- Appoints committees as needed
- Countersigns checks and orders for payment
- Responsible for the council’s Ceremonial Team
- Maintains working relationships with the council’s chaplain, district deputy, insurance agent, as well as with other local service organizations (ie. food pantries, soup kitchens)
Bocce Ball
Thanks to Brother Dave DeShane for having the court ready every Tuesday this summer. Those who played had a great time. Bocce is over for the year, and we will keep you posted on dates in 2024.
Fraternal Benefits Nights
On Monday, Oct. 9 at 6:30 p.m. in the PAC at St. Paul Parish will be a fall Fraternal Benefit Event. Join Owen Shaffer and learn more about the financial benefits offered by the Knights of Columbus and how to protect your family and plan for retirement. Please reach out to Owen to RSVP.
Theology on the Rocks
This month’s theology on the Rocks is on Oct. 16 at St. Paul Parish on Brown Street Our Lady of the Cedars, 507 S. Cleveland Massillon Road. Father Matthew Pfeiffer is the speaker and the topic is still to be announced. $10 admission and doors open at 7 p.m. He will start speaking at 7:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be served.
Reverse Raffle
The hall is hosting a reverse raffle on November 11 Tickets are $40 and include a buffet dinner and your raffle ticket. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the Buffet starts at 7 p.m. with the raffle beginning after dinner. See Shawn Needham for tickets.
3-month lottery drawing
Coming soon to your mailbox will be tickets for a chance to win $50 in the Ohio Lottery Evening Pick 3 straight number drawing. The drawings take place in January, February, and March of 2024. Chance to win every Monday through Saturday on the evening drawing. Tickets are $10 each. Please talk to Shawn Needham if you have any questions.
Family of the Month
Please nominate an October family of the month by Oct. 15. Paper nomination forms are available at the hall and can be turned in to Steve Dort. One can also be emailed to you if needed.
Fresh flowers in a pumpkin workshop
Crooked River Flowers is coming to the hall to offer us a fresh flowers in a pumpkin workshop on Wednesday, November 8, from 6:30-8 p.m. Cost to participate is $45 paid to Crooked River Flowers. Sign up online. Cost covers all the supplies. This is a normal weekly Wednesday evening so the lounge is open. Once you register, please let Missy Dort know that you’re registered. Sign up early before all spots are filled.