South Akron Knights of Columbus

Council 3410

Steak Out and Fish Fry Volunteer Dinner | Flags at the Cemetery | Bocce Ball | Corn Hole Blind Draws

Grand Knight’s Message

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of the Brother Knights that were at last month’s meeting and stayed after for the financial webinar. That is what is called a fraternal benefit night and that was the last thing we needed to be a star council. The webinar was way better than I thought it was going to be and I actually walked away with some good information. At this point we have done everything needed to become a star council and we are just waiting to hear officially from the state Supreme Council.

Tuesday, May 7 is our monthly meeting. We will say the rosary at 7 p.m. The meeting is at 7:30 p.m. This is the meeting we will be voting for next year’s council officers. The deadline to nominate is Sunday, May 5. Call, text or email me if you would like to nominate yourself or another person. Please make sure to attend the meeting on May 7 to cast your vote.

Council 3410 has received a couple congratulatory emails from the Supreme Council. The first recognition we announced already, but again, since we recruited 6 or more new members by Founder’s Day, we are receiving a custom “join us” Blessed Michael McGivney banner for display at our events. The banner has been ordered and when it arrives I will let everyone know. Also, I heard on April 5, that Council 3410 has earned the Columbian Award for 2023-2024 fraternal year.

Saturday, April 13 was the craft fair at the hall. After expenses, $200 is being donated to the Council #3410 charity fund. The vendor registration fees went to the hall itself. Missy wants to thank everyone who came out as a vendor, our volunteers and those that shopped at the craft fair.

On Saturday, May 25, come out to Holy Cross Cemetery and place flags at the graves of our veterans at 8 a.m. Bring your families to join us.

Be Good Everyone.
Steve Dort, Grand Knight

Steak Out

On Saturday, May 4, we will have our first steak out of the year, as well as a Kentucky Derby watch party. The steak out is from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Steak is $18, chicken is $12 and shrimp is $12. You cook the steak and chicken on the grill the way you like them. We will be frying the shrimp for you. Baked potato, green beans, salad and rolls will also be provided. You are welcome to bring a dessert to share with everyone. It’s always a great time! You must RSVP by Thursday, May 2. This year the Kentucky Derby is the same day with a post time of 6:57 p.m. It will be on the TV’s in the lounge.

Saturday, June 8 is our second steak out and our fish fry volunteer dinner from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Steak $18, chicken $12, shrimp $12. You cook them on the grill the way you like them. Baked potato, green beans, salad and rolls will be provided. You are welcome to bring a dessert to share with everyone. You must RSVP by Thursday, June 6. If you were a fish fry volunteer, a portion of your dinner will be paid for by the fish fry at this event.

Cash Bonanza

We are coming up to the end of Cash Bonanza raffle sales. The drawing will take place at the Knights of Columbus state convention on Saturday, May 18. Please turn in any sales to Brother Don White by Monday, May 6. Please contact Don to make plans to turn them in, or turn in at the hall no later than Saturday, May 4.

Immaculate Conception Reverse Raffle

On Saturday, May 18, Immaculate Conception is holding a reverse raffle at the hall. Tickets are $40 and you can purchase yours from Don White.

Flags at the Cemetery

Everyone is encouraged to come to Holy Cross Cemetery on Saturday, May 25 at 8 a.m. to place flags at the headstones of our veterans. We volunteered last year and it was my favorite council activity of the year. Thank you to Bill Cannan for setting up this volunteer opportunity for us.

Theology on the Rocks

Theology on the Rocks will be on Monday, May 20 at The Lady of Cedars, 507 S. Cleveland Massillon Road in Fairlawn. The speaker is Fr. Jeremy Merzweiler, Pastor of St. Francis De Sales in Akron. His topic, “What I Have Learned From The Game of Golf.” $15 includes light appetizers. Cash Bar. Doors open at 7 p.m. and the program begins at 7:30 p.m. RSVP to Keith Johnson by May 13 at or 330-836-2233 ext 134.

Diocese Event: Young Adult Softball League

I want to make sure I share opportunities for our young adults in our area and diocese. Mike Hayes is once again leading a young adult softball league. Games are played on Sundays between 1 and 5 p.m. in Parma. They are played in June and July with a championship in August. Here is the information page and the link for registration. It is $40 per person. If cost is an issue, please talk to one of our council officers. If anyone signs up, let Steve Dort know. You may just see some of us coming to watch a game.

Diocese Event: 50th Anniversary Jubilee Mass

The Marriage and Family Office is happy to help support the celebration of Jubilee wedding anniversaries. Anyone married in 1974 is invited to the Mass on Sunday, June 9. There is no formal registration for the event, no tickets and family is also invited. Doors open at 1:30 p.m. Use this link if you would like a certificate from the mass.

Bocce Ball at Knights of Columbus Hall

Come out guys and gals on Tuesday evenings at 6 p.m. and play some Bocce Ball in the back of the hall, weather permitting. Last year we had a small (but fun!) group who came out and played. Those that chose to be spectators had fun, too! Bocce may start in the next week or two, pending weather and court maintenance. Watch your email for the official start date.

Corn Hole Blind Draws

We will have corn hole blind draws on Monday starting at 7 p.m., run by Zach DeShane. You can register on the Scoreholio app or sign up when you get there. Please reach out to Zach if you have questions. The first week had 18 players and we hope to keep it growing.