South Akron Knights of Columbus

Council 3410

Grand Knight’s Message

Hello everyone,

It is officially autumn, and the weather has definitely changed. Fall is my favorite season of the year, or as I call it at home, shorts and sweatshirt weather. It is also the season for Octoberfests across the region. We had a great turn out for our Octoberfest on the 28th. It was nice to see some old friends again, and meet some new ones! We even had brothers from Maryland and Las Vegas join us. We were happy to have Father Pfeiffer and Deacon John Amedeo join us as well. I hope all of you who attended our Octoberfest Potluck had a great time. Thank you to Jerry Lamm who suggested it and contributed the delicious brats. All the sides were tasty as well and an extra table had to be added in the food line. I also want to personally thank everyone who helped with clean up and making sure the tables and chairs got put away. For those who missed it, we are definitely going to plan another one in 2023.

I would like to encourage all brothers to attend our monthly meetings on the first Tuesday of the month at the hall. This month it is on Tuesday, October 4th. We start at 7:00 pm with the rosary and then go directly into our meeting. If you have not been there in a while, consider this your invitation to come and join us.

Council #3410 has completed its fall membership drive at our three local parishes. I have spoken at Immaculate Conception Parish, St. Paul Parish and St. Francis De Sales Parish and had around 10 people sign up as interested in learning more and possibly joining our Knights of Columbus council.

Mark your calendars for October 23rd, 2022 as we hold a degree ceremony at the hall. This will include, first, second and third degrees. If you have only the first or second degrees and would like to become a third degree let me know and we would be happy to include you in the ceremony. A third degree allows you to be an officer for council #3410. We will also be welcoming new members and transfers at the ceremony. Doors open at 11:30 and ceremony begins at Noon. Afterword we will watch the Browns game with our new members in the lounge. Wives and families are welcome for the ceremony. We will be having a Browns watch party at the hall. All members are encouraged to join us and those attending, please bring a dish to share with everyone.

I want to remind everyone that every Wednesday the hall is open for a Pot Luck meal. Hot Dogs are provided each week, with the exception of the last Wednesday which is Pizza. Bring a side dish and join us. Doors open at 6, eat at 7. If you can not make Wednesday, the lounge is also open M and F starting at 6. All drawings are now active. Think about a member you know who has not been in for while and ask them to join us. Stop in, sign up and join us for a drink. You can drop off your charity tickets while you are here!

Do you know we have a Facebook page for our council. If you are on Facebook, please join South Akron Knights of Columbus Council #3410 for our most current information.

Be good everybody,
Steve Dort, Grand Knight

Charity campaign – Football Crazr

Our Council has 250 tickets to sell. They are $20 each with 23 chances to win per ticket for 10 weeks. If you have taken and sold tickets, please turn them in at the hall. Last year we sold 97 tickets. I would like to see us sell them all this year if possible. As of writing this newsletter we have 74 tickets sold and turned in. If each member sells one more, we would have a sell out! We do receive $5.50 of the $20 pack to our council. This will increase the more we sell. If you need tickets or would like more to sell you can call the council at 330-773-3410 or Steve Dort.

Please return all sold tickets by October 23rd, 2022 or before.

Reverse Raffle

Saturday November 19th, 2022
Our hall is having a reverse raffle. If you were at the last one, you know it is a fun night out. Come by yourself, as a couple, or with a group. There is no need to be a member to attend.
Doors Open at 6:30 pm
Buffet 7:00pm
Drawings 8:15 pm

Contact Shawn Needham or call the hall office at 330-773-3410.

Tickets 1-175 have been released, when these all sell, 176-200 will be released.

Sick or distressed list

Please call the council and let us know of any members that are sick. We will read the list at the next meeting and keep them in our prayers.

Calendar of events

Oct. 4: Rosary 7 p.m.
Oct. 4: K of C meeting 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 23: First Degree Ceremony 11:30 am followed by Browns watch party
Oct. 26: Monthly drawing and potluck
Nov. 1: Rosary 7pm
Nov. 1: K of C meeting 7:30 pm
Nov. 19: Reverse Raffle at the hall
Nov. 30: Monthly drawing and potluck

Diocese of Cleveland Activities

Join us for our first Annual Diocesan Wide Young Adult Retreat. A young adult team of leaders coupled with clergy and staff will lead a full weekend retreat for the low, low price of $65/person. Nobody is refused because of finances. Please contact Mike Hayes for financial assistance at (all inquiries are kept confidential).

  • Five talk presentations followed by small group discussion.
  • Free time on Saturday afternoon.
  • All Meals included.
  • Evening Reconciliation and Adoration Service on Saturday.
  • Sunday Morning Mass

Registration at under the event tab.

Food Fellowship and Faith for Adults.
THEOLOGY of the ROCKS sponsored by St. Sebastian Parish
Monday October 17th, 2022
Topic: Living the Mystery: Glorifying the Lord by Our Life by Father Eric Garris
Place: El Rancho Mexican Restaurant, Main dining Room, 1666 West Exchange St. Akron
$5.00 admission, free chips/salsa. Food and drinks available for purchase.

Council 3410 members

Council 3410 has 308 members. We would like to ensure our records are correct. If you are a member who has moved, changed your cell number, updated your email address, or otherwise changed your contact information, please call the office at 330-773-3410 or email us with your updated info. This will assure you are kept aware of the council’s meetings, social events, and volunteer opportunities.

If you know a Catholic gentleman aged 18 or older who is interested in serving Council 3410 as a member of the largest Catholic men’s fraternal in the world, contact the office 330-773-3410 or one of the 3410’s 308 members to learn how. The more members we have, the more we can get done.