South Akron Knights of Columbus

Council 3410

Welcome new 3rd degrees | Flower Workshop | Reverse Raffle | Nine Nights of Prayer

Grand Knight’s Message

The first week of November is busy and I don’t want anybody missing out on what is happening with Council #3410. November 5 is the South Akron Knights of Columbus Memorial Mass at Immaculate Conception Church in Kenmore. On Nov. 7 there is a council meeting. On Wednesday, Nov. 8, you have the opportunity to make a cool flower arrangement that you can display on your Thanksgiving dinner table. November 11 is the Reverse Raffle. Details for these events and more are later in the newsletter.

On October 22, we held an exemplification ceremony, and our council now has 11 new 3rd degree members. Please introduce yourself to our newest brothers when you see them.

Robert Capron Jr.
Robert Capron III
Joseph J Bernel, Jr.
Owen Shaffer
Lawrence J Whalen
Anthony Heyden

Daniel Brewer
Don G Klein
Nick Kowal
Michael Kowal
Dennis Kreeger

I want to give a shout out to our degree team members that took time out of their Sunday afternoon to conduct the ceremony: Fred Caffareli, Pat DeShane, Paul Dort, Tom Goodhart, Shawn Needham, Mike Prebonik and Harry Vezzani. Great job gentlemen!

I would like to encourage all our new brothers (as well as those who have been around a while) to attend our monthly meeting Tuesday, Nov. 7 at the hall. We start at 7 p.m. with the rosary and then go directly into our meeting. If you have not been there in awhile, consider this your invitation to come and join us.

Football Crzr tickets have been turned in. Great job everyone! I appreciate the effort everyone made selling tickets. We sold 157 tickets. Our goal was 162, so we were very close. Good luck to everyone who purchased one. First games are the first weekend in November.

Join us on Wednesday, Nov. 29, at our end of the month drawing and Potluck in the hall for our K of C version of Thanksgiving. Let’s make some delicious fall items to share with everyone.

Several council members have shown interest in becoming involved in council positions. I will be using the newsletter each month to share what different council positions there are and the responsibilities of those positions. Last month, I wrote about the responsibilities of the Grand Knight. This month, you will read about the responsibilities of the Deputy Grand Knight. Please read about them and speak with the current person in the position you are interested in, or feel free to speak with me or with Tom Goodhart our district deputy.

Every Wednesday the hall is open for a Potluck meal and weekly drawing. Weekly drawings are $1 to sign the book and monthly is $5. Bring a side dish and join us on Wednesdays. Doors open at 6 p.m. and dinner begins at 7p.m. Books must be signed by 7:15 p.m. each week in order to be eligible for that evening’s drawing(s).

Keep reading below to learn about upcoming meetings, events, and service projects. The next time you’re at the hall check out the TV in the back corner. We have a running list of dates and events on the screen to remind everyone of what is going on.

Don’t forget to turn your clocks back an hour when you go to bed on Saturday, Nov. 4. You don’t want to arrive at the memorial mass at Immaculate Conception an hour early!

Be good everybody,
Steve Dort,
Grand Knight

Committee Updates

The family committee: Please nominate a family of the month for November by November 15. Nomination forms are in the hall. Please remember the family does not have to have a member, but are a positive example of a family with their parish.

Also, the family committee is hosting our food drive leading up toward Thanksgiving. Donations are now being accepted until November 15. Nonperishable food and monetary donations are welcome as many food banks can stretch the money collected to purchase more items than individuals can. There is a monetary collection container in the lounge where you sign the weekly book for monetary donations. If we collect and donate $500, the Supreme Council will refund our council $100 which can be used towards other charitable needs.

Membership Committee: As mentioned earlier in this newsletter we had an exemplification on Oct. 22 and have 11 new 3rd degree Brother Knights. I will be speaking at St. Francis De Sales in January, and if we have interest will hold a second exemplification. During events at the hall, I hope to have a table set up for registrations.

Faith Committee: We have a memorial mass scheduled at Immaculate Conception on November 5 at 8:30 a.m. We hope to see you there.

Also, the Faith Committee is partnering with St. Francis De Sales School for the Catholic Citizenship Contest. Eighth graders were invited to write an essay on the topic “How can the church evangelize in the digital age?” Entries are due to us by December 5. We need at least 3 judges. If you are interested, please let Steve Dort know.

Are you a weekly usher at church? I did not hear from anyone last month and I know some of you are. If you are a weekly usher, the faith committee is asking you please send your name, parish, and what mass you usher to Steve Dort. The total ushers we have will be submitted as one of our council activities.

We can still use volunteers to step up and run different programs within our action of faith committees of faith, family, community, life and membership. If you can lend your talents to help out, please come speak with Steve Dort.

Council Position of the Month

Deputy Grand Knight
– Assists the Grand Knight with operation of the council and any other assigned to him by the Grand Knight.

– In the absence of the Grand Knight, he presides at council meetings.

– Recommended they serve on the retention committee.

Memorial Mass

Join us on Sunday, Nov. 5 at Immaculate Conception at 8:30 a.m. for our memorial mass. Donuts will be provided afterward.

Nativity of the Lord Jesus 41st Annual Spaghetti Dinner

On Nov. 5 from noon to 6 p.m. Adult cost is $15, Children 8 and under are $8. The menu includes spaghetti, meatballs, salad, bread, butter, beverage and dessert. The church is located at 2425 Myersville Rd. Akron, Oh. 44312, at the corner of Myersville and Killian Rd.

Fall Flower Workshop

If you have not already done so, we have just a few days and spots left to sign up for the fall flower workshop on Nov. 8 at 6:30 p.m. hosted by Crooked River Florist. The cost is $45 and you take home a beautiful fall display for your house. Register online at must be completed in advance, not at the door.

Reverse Raffle

The hall is hosting a reverse raffle on Saturday, Nov. 11. Tickets are $40 and include a buffet dinner and your raffle ticket. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the Buffet starts at 7 p.m. with the raffle beginning after dinner. See Shawn Needham for tickets.

Family of the Month

Please nominate a family of the month by Nov. 15. Paper nomination forms are available at the hall and can be turned in to Steve Dort. A form can also be emailed to you, if needed.

Theology on the Rocks

On Nov. 20, Fr. Koopman joins Theology on the Rocks. He is currently at St. Mary Seminary, a professor of Moral Theology. His topic is “Critical Issues in Bioethics: A Catholic Response”. Admission is $15 and includes light appetizers. Doors open at 7 p.m. and the speaker starts at 7:30 p.m. Our Lady of the Cedars. 507 S. Cleveland Massillon Rd. Fairlawn, 44333.

Nine Nights of Prayer

“Nine Nights of Night Prayer” will take place on nine consecutive evenings from Nov. 30 until Dec. 8. The churches will be open for night prayer 8:15 to 9 p.m. each night. There are two around us this time around. If you attend any please let us know.

  • St. Andrew, 4022 Johnson Road, Norton
  • St. Francis de Sales, 4019 Manchester Road, Akron

Euchre Tournament & Chili Cook-off

We are in the early planning of this fun event on January 20, 2024. Sign-ups will be in the lounge in November for both. The cost to enter the Euchre Tournament is $10. If you would like to enter a pot of chili for the chili cook-off, it is free. The tasting of chili will be $5 per person. Money collected will be used to cover the cost of the evening and after expenses, the council will make a charity donation with the remaining funds. This event is open to family and friends.