Lucky Number tickets | Cornhole starts in January | Lounge notes
Grand Knights message
Greetings Brother Knights, families, and social members,
Happy Veterans Day to all that have and are serving!
Hopefully everyone is enjoying this beautiful fall weather. I’m using the term hopefully because I’m sure there will be some that disagree. It’s our rights as Americans to disagree with everything just because we can. So hopefully we can enjoy the beauty around us that the Lord has provided. And hopefully we can enjoy the holiday seasons that are coming very soon. And hopefully we can continue to thank God for our many blessings. And hopefully people someday will have a kinder heart, unlike the path we are now heading.
It was great to see everyone at our very successful reverse raffle on November 6, especially brother can who continues to rehab from his fall. Thank you to all that attended and helped out with this event. Please continue to pray for Ken, brother Tony and any other members in distress.
Hopefully God Bless,
Tom Goodhart, Grand Knight
Lucky Number tickets
everyone should have received your lucky number tickets. Please buy or sell these tickets as soon as possible and turn into the hall. Drawings start January 1. Great stocking stuffers. If you need tickets call the hall.
K of C cornhole league will be back starting January 6. If you have questions regarding the league contact Dave Deshane.
Casino Trip
Cancelled until further notice.
Lounge Notes
the lounge will be open for the monthly drawing/Thanksgiving eve November 23. Stop in to see old friends and socialize! The lounge is open Monday Wednesday Friday at 6 PM stop down and have a cold beverage with your fellow brothers and friends. The weekly/monthly drawings, Queen of Hearts and Quarters game are happening.