Maintenance and repairs fund raffle | Cornhole begins | Zips Men’s Basketball | Fish Frys | Craft fair
Grand Knight’s Message
Hello everyone,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone. For those who came out for our Christmas weekly drawing, I hope you enjoyed Santa and all the good food. There was so much food, we had to add another table!
One more piece of good news from December. Our council had a first-place winner from the football crazr fundraiser. Congratulations to Robert Remis for having a winning ticket.
Looking into January we have a few events coming up. On January 12 is the Zips Basketball game. On January 20 is the Euchre Tournament and Chili Cook-off. Sign-ups are in the lounge. It’s $10 to play euchre and $5 to taste the different chilis. You may enter your chili for free! More details on both events later in the newsletter.
Starting January 1, Fred Cafarelli will be selling raffle tickets to raise money for the hall’s maintenance and repairs. 100 raffle tickets are being sold for $100 each. There will be 3 winners. First place wins $2,000, 2nd place wins $1,000 and 3rd place wins $500. Drawing will take place after all tickets are sold. See Brother Fred Cafarelli for tickets.
Thanks to Dave DeShane for running the cornhole league again, for what I believe is the 15th year. It is a great way to help get through the cold winter. Cornhole starts in January.
Over the last few months, I have been adding the elected council positions descriptions to our newsletter. This month I am describing two more for you. Would you consider becoming an active council member in one of these positions? We will be holding elections again in the spring.
Be good everybody,
Steve Dort, Grand Knight
Committee Updates
The family committee: We are currently accepting nominations for January. Nomination forms are in the hall. Please remember the family does not have to have a member, but are a positive example of a family with their parish.
Membership Committee: Steve Dort will be at St. Francis De Sales on January 7 during their ministry fair at a table with recruitment information. If we have interest we will hold a second exemplification for the year Also, during events at the hall, Steve hopes to have a table set up for registrations. This includes Fish Fry Fridays. If you would like to man a table during the Fish Frys please speak with him. We only need around 3 more new members to meet our quota for the year.
We can always use volunteers to step up and run different programs within our action of faith committees of faith, family, community, life and membership. If you can lend your talents to help out, please speak with Steve Dort.
Knights of Columbus Council Position(s) of the Month
The advocate acts as council parliamentarian. He should be knowledgeable in Robert’s Rules of Order and Methods of Conducting a Council Meeting (#1937). He may seek legal assistance from the state advocate, should issues arise. The advocate should be able to take on additional responsibilities as the council deems necessary.
The recorder has the responsibility of recording all meetings and events held by the council. He should record minutes, conversations and other information helpful to the council and prepare them to be distributed to the membership in a timely manner. Additionally, he should help with council event notifications, council meeting reminders, and assist with council social media responsibilities.
Zips Basketball Game
The Akron Zips have invited Knights of Columbus men from surrounding councils to the Men’s Basketball game on Friday, Jan. 12. The game is at 7 p.m. and we will meet at our Hall before the game for some hotdogs. Tickets are only $10. We have sold around 20 tickets so far. Come on out and enjoy a night out with Knights, their families, and friends. See Steve Dort for tickets.
2024 Membership Dues
It is time to pay dues for the 2024 calendar year. This includes dues for Brother Knights, spouses, and social dues. You can pay them at the hall. If you can pay them soon it will save money from mailing out cards and reminders. Reminder: you must have your dues paid to be entered into the weekly/monthly drawings at the hall.
Fish Fry
Lent begins Wednesday, Feb. 14, and ends Saturday, March 30. We want to encourage everyone to consider volunteering. Volunteer sign-up sheets will be in the lounge.
Craft Fair
On April 13 the hall will be open for a spring craft fair from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Last year was a success, and we are hoping to repeat that success. We still have about 7 tables left for crafters. If you are a crafter, please talk to Missy Dort about getting a table reserved for yourself. Everyone else: please mark your calendar for some great shopping.
Charity Euchre Tournament and Chili Cook-off
Grab some friends and join us at the hall on January 20 for a Chili Cook-off and Charity Euchre Tournament. Sign-up sheets are in the lounge or call or text Steve Dort to sign up. $10 to play Euchre and $5 for chili tasting. Chili entries are free. Money will be collected at the door, the day of.