Grand Knight’s Message
Greetings Brother Knights, families, and social members,
Merry Christmas!!
What a wonderful time of the year it is. With the year 2020 coming to a close, including it’s many challenges, it’s hard to recognize the many blessings that God bestows on all of us. But, always remember “Keep Christ In Christmas.” With His love we will make it through these trying times.
Also, family and friends make the season brite. Even with masks on, we can feel the love. ‘Tis the Season to spread the love and kindness, not the COVID.
I wish to thank all who attended our Memorial Mass On December 6. It’s a great feeling that we can honor all of our departed brothers.
Just a quick reminder to fill out and return your Lucky Number Lottery Tickets before December 31. These tickets make great gifts for you and others. You can call the hall office to arrange pick up – 330-773-3410.
Merry Christmas and have a Blessed and Happy New Year!
Tom Goodhart, Grand Knight
Lounge News
Social memberships for 2021 are now available at a cost of $20 and K of C wives $5. 2020 social memberships are null and void as of January 11.
Dues Notice
Notices are being sent. Please pay dues promptly to avoid extra cost of repetitive notice mailings.
Bring it to the Bin
Council 3410 needs you to recycle your phonebooks, magazines, holiday catalogs, junk mail, flattened cardboard, newspapers, office paper, school paper, brown paper bags, and books. Help us in our effort in being a community recycling partner. Fill the green bin in the parking lot and help us raise funds.
Calendar of Events
Jan. 1 Happy New Year!
Lucky Number Lottery starts
K of C Meeting Canceled
CLC Meeting – TBA
Lucky Number Lottery
Final call for Lucky Number Lottery tickets. Get them turned in ASAP. Remember they start January 1. Drop them off at the office on Mondays 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. or drop them in the mail. Need a ticket? Call the office at 330-773-3410.
Casino Trips
Suspended until further notice.