Grand Knight’s Message
Greeting Brother Knights, families, and social members,
Spring has sprung and Easter is upon us. It doesn’t get much better than this. At this writing, it is sunny and 65. Yard cleanup anyone? Hopefully, everyone is having a blessed Easter season. During this blessed season, please remember about others in need and lend a hand to those less fortunate.
Please keep in your prayers Brother Ray Kapper and his family due to his recent passing.
Just a quick shout out that the queen of hearts and quarter games are going to resume April 12. Remember that the lounge is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It’s great to see people you haven’t seen in a year.
Well, back outside I go. I hope everyone enjoys their Easter basket.
Happy Easter and God bless,
Tom Goodhart, Grand Knight
Cash Bonanza Charity Tickets
First, I hope and pray everyone is healthy during these trying times. Second, I want to thank the 50 members who have sent cash bonanza tickets to date. Someone stops by daily to get the mail and check messages. They are going to have the drawing in May. We hope and pray this crisis will be diminished by then. If you are able to send in tickets, our first tournament is April 12. Any questions you can call me. Everyone stay healthy and many prayers and blessings to you and your family. Sincerely,
Don White, Junior, Chairman
Calendar of Events
April 6 – K of C Meeting 7:30 p.m.
Rosary 7 p.m.
April 12 – 1st Charity Ticket Turn-in by mail
April – CLC Meeting TBA
Lounge Notes
The lounge is open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 6 p.m. to close. Stop down and have a cold beverage with your fellow Brothers and friends. The drawings are we starting April 12. Queen of hearts and quarter games. Weekly and monthly drawings resume April 14. Hope to see you there.
Casino trip, Measure Up, and Clergy Appreciation
All canceled until further notice.