Oktoberfest | Acme Cash Back Program | Food For Families
Grand Knight’s Message
It is September and the official start of fall is almost here. Summer sure did fly by. Wednesday, September 4 is our council meeting. Bring a fellow brother knight with you. We start with the rosary at 7 p.m. and the council meeting at 7:30.
On Tuesday, August 6, we held an exemplification ceremony and now have three new brothers. Welcome to Mark Marotta, Connor Trout and Elmer Neitz. If you know of anyone who may be interested in joining, have them contact our Membership Chairperson Pat DeShane, or Steve Dort, for more information.
Football Crzr ticket update: We have sent out close to 600 football crzr tickets to Brother Knights. They are steadily being returned to me. Keep them coming in! As of today, we have 30% of our goal sold and turned in. As a reminder, you can bring your sold tickets to the hall on Wednesdays or mail them back to me. If you absolutely can not buy or sell your tickets, please return them to me. I do have members asking for more.
Be Good Everyone.
Steve Dort, Grand Knight
Steak Out – Change of date
Join us on Saturday, September 21 starting at 5:30 p.m. for the last steak out of the year. Steak is $18, chicken is $12, and deep fried shrimp dinners are $12. You cook your steak or chicken on the grill the way you like them. We do have grill assistants to help out. Baked potato, green beans, salad, and rolls are provided. You are welcome to bring a dessert to share with everyone. You must RSVP and pay by Thursday, September 19. Everyone is invited! Sign up sheets are in the lounge.
Wednesday, September 25 is our monthly drawing and Oktoberfest celebration. We are welcoming back, for a second year, the Culkar-Golob Band to play polka for us. They will be playing from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Doors to the hall will open at 5 p.m. You are welcome to invite family and friends to the hall and celebrate Oktoberfest with us. We will be collecting $5 per person for dinner and also taking donations to cover the cost of the band. We will be making sausage and peppers and perogies. Everyone attending is welcome to bring a German side dish or dessert. Do not forget to wear your favorite Oktoberfest clothing. Sign up sheets will be in the lounge so we have an accurate count for food.
Halloween themed monthly drawing – October 30
During our last Wednesday of the month in October, let’s have some Halloween fun. Start thinking of costumes to wear that night. You just may win a prize! Bring Halloween side dishes or desserts, or just some fall favorites for the potluck table.
Reverse Raffle
Mark your calendar for this year’s reverse raffle on Saturday, November 23. More information will be coming out soon. We want to make sure everyone has the date!
Acme Cash Back Program
It is Acme Cash Back time. If you shop at Acme at the bottom of your receipt is the cash back amount. Please cut off that small part of the receipt and bring them to the hall. Look for an envelope on the table where you sign the book each week to put them in. At the end of the program in February, all receipts will be turned in to St. Francis De Sales Catholic School, our local K-8 Catholic school who is participating in the program.
Food For Families
Start collecting canned or nonperishable food items. We will have a collection box or two out the first two weeks of October to collect food to be donated to a food bank as we approach the holiday season.
Bocce Ball at the Hall
Attention guys and gals! On Tuesday evenings at 6 p.m., play some bocce ball in the back of the hall, weather permitting. The sun is setting earlier, but we are still playing this month. Come on out!
Corn Hole Blind Draws
We will have corn hole blind draws on Mondays starting at 7 p.m., run by Zach DeShane. You can register on the Scoreholio app or sign up when you get there. Please reach out to Zach if you have questions.
2024 Memorial Mass
This year’s Memorial Mass for Council #3410 at Immaculate Conception will be on Saturday, November 16, at 5 p.m. This change was needed due to the parish’s reduced mass schedule.