South Akron Knights of Columbus

Council 3410

Last month we had many Brother Knights take time to promote the South Akron Knights of Columbus at different local events. On September 9, Tony Heyden, Frank Noffringer, Jerry Paridon, Larry Whalen and Rod White were at St. Francis De SalesParish Picnic recruiting new members. Then on September 15, Bob Capron and Pat Deshane took it upon themselves to set up a Council 3410 table at a Hibernians Function. Good work men.

Bocce Ball’s regular season wrapped up in September. Thanks Dave Deshane for taking care of the court and organizing the Tuesday night games. Thank you to Vince Gross for the team t-shirts. Games will continue into the fall, weather permitting.

We ended September with our 3rd annual Oktoberfest. If you missed it, you missed a great night. It was fun seeing people on the dance floor. The Colub-Golkar Polka band was great again. Look for pictures on our Facebook page.

Football Crzr ticket update: On Sept. 6, 168 tickets were turned into the state. Since then our total has been over 225 sold. Thanks to everyone who has turned in their two and even sold more! There are still more out there that can be turned in. 20 more brothers turning in their 2 tickets will get us to our quota the state has determined for our council. If you have tickets you can’t buy or sell please return them. There are members and social members who would like them. Final deadline for turn in will be October 20.

Don’t forget some of our smaller acts of charity we have going on. We are collecting Acme cash back receipts for St. Francis De Sales School and starting this coming Wednesday, October 2, we will start collecting food for the needy. See further details later in the newsletter.

Shawn Needham has mailed out Lucky Number Club tickets that start in January 2025. If you need tickets please contact Shawn. At $10 a piece these make great Christmas stocking stuffers. Please return the tickets if you can not sell or purchase them.

If you know of anyone who may be interested in joining our council, have them contact our Membership Chairperson Pat DeShane for more information.

Keep reading the newsletter for more activities going on in October and November.

Be Good Everyone.
Steve Dort, Grand Knight

Food For Families

We will have a collection box in the lobby of the hall for the first three weeks of October to collect non-perishable food items to be donated to St. Vincent De Paul food bank as we approach the holiday season. Make sure you bring a donation when you come to the hall.

Halloween themed monthly drawing – Oct. 30

During our last Wednesday of the month in October, let’s have some Halloween fun. Start thinking of costumes to wear that night. You just may win a prize! Bring Halloween side dishes or desserts, or just some fall favorites for the potluck table.

Craft Night – Nov. 6

Join us for a fun and creative evening at South Akron Knights of Columbus Hall. Get ready to unleash your inner artist as we guide you step by step to create a beautiful masterpiece. No painting experience? No problem! This in-person event is perfect for beginners and seasoned painters alike. The all-inclusive workshop from 6-9 p.m. costs $45 and includes all materials needed, instruction, use of tools, and more. Grab your favorite drink from the bar, sip on your favorite beverage, and let your creativity flow to create a colorful door hanger or home sign. Sign up and pay online here.

2024 Memorial Mass- Saturday, Nov. 16

This year’s Memorial Mass for Council #3410 at Immaculate Conception will be on Saturday, November 16, at 5 p.m. This change was needed due to the parish’s reduced mass schedule.

Reverse Raffle

Mark your calendar for this year’s reverse raffle on Saturday, November 23. Ticket cost is $40. Doors open at 6:30, buffet starts at 7 p.m., and the drawing starts at 8:15 p.m.. Contact Shawn Needham for tickets.

Thanksgiving themed monthly drawing – Nov. 27

Our annual Thanksgiving potluck will take place this year on November 27. It is also our monthly drawing Wednesday. Keep your house clean for Thanksgiving and come down and have dinner at the hall.

Acme Cash Back Program

It is Acme Cash Back time. If you shop at Acme at the bottom of your receipt is the cash back amount. Please cut off that small part of the receipt and bring them to the hall. Look for an envelope on the table where you sign the book each week to put them in. At the end of the program in February, all receipts will be turned in to St. Francis De Sales Catholic School, our local K-8 Catholic school who is participating in the program.

2025 Lucky Number Club Tickets

77 chances to win $50 in January, February and March. Payouts nightly Monday – Saturday – Ohio Lottery evening three digit drawing (Straight). Drop off at the lounge Monday or Wednesday after 6 p.m., mail to the hall 2055 Glenmount Ave, Akron, OH 44319 or Call Shawn Needham to arrange a pick up or for more tickets. If you have questions contact Shawn Needham or the K of C office at 330-773-3410. Thank you for your continued support.