South Akron Knights of Columbus

Council 3410

Dues is due | Volunteers needed | Euchre Tournament and Chili Cook-off | Diocese event

Grand Knight’s Message

Happy New Year, everyone! Missy and I hope you all had a good Christmas with family and friends.

In December, Dennis Ott and Scott Reese joined our council. Thanks to Mike Prebonick, Pat Deshane, Larry Whalen, Fred Cafarelli, Tom Goodhard, Paul Dort and Joe Garlando for performing the ceremony for our new members. Thanks to everyone who donated to our December Acts of Charity diaper drive for the Embrace Clinic. The clinic was extremely appreciative of our continued support.

Plan on paying your council dues for 2025 this month. Paying them right away keeps you eligible for weekly and monthly drawings.

We do have some January events coming up. On Sunday, January 5, St. Francis De Sales church is having their ministry fair after their 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. masses. We will have a table set up. If you would like to volunteer some time to be at the table, the help would be appreciated.

On January 11, our council will be hosting a Free Throw Championship at Queen of Heaven church for boys and girls ages 9-14. Vince Gross has volunteered to take the lead on this for us. Keep reading the newsletter for more information about the event and volunteer opportunities.

Acme cash back receipts for St. Francis De Sales School ends on January 14. Please check your Acme receipts at home and turn them in by the due date. The bottom of your Acme receipt is all we need. The envelope is at the bar in the lounge.

Our annual Euchre tournament and Chili Cook-off will be on January 25. Last year, we made enough money to purchase 3 wheelchairs through the Knights of Columbus wheelchair program. Sign ups for Euchre are going well but we need Chili Cook-off entrants to sign up. It is $10 to play euchre and $5 to taste the different chilis. You may enter your chili for free!

Members of Council #3410 are invited to a clergy appreciation dinner on Friday, January 31, 2025 at the Center for Pastoral Leadership. Cost is $35 per chapter member. Ask me for more information if you are interested in attending.

Looking even farther ahead, let’s get together and enjoy a fish fry as a group, before we are all busy with running our lenten fish frys. If you are free come out and join us at the Polish American Club for their weekly Fish fry on Friday, February 21. Watch for more information in the upcoming months.

Keep reading the newsletter for more activities. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me.

Be Good Everyone.
Steve Dort, Grand Knight

2025 Membership Dues

In January, dues for Brother Knights, Spouses, and social members are due. Pay at the hall to save our council volunteers time and also club money (postage) from mailing out notices, cards and reminders.

Ministry Fair

On Sunday, January 5, we will have a table set up at the ministry fair at St. Francis De Sales. We still need around 10 new members to hit our goal this year. If you can volunteer some hours at the table, the help would be appreciated after the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. masses.

Free Throw Championship

Vince Gross is running our council’s Free Throw Championship on January 11. It will take place at Queen of Heaven Church at 10 a.m. Registration is that day. If you are able to volunteer your time that day to help out, please contact Vince. We will need help with registration, a photographer, help on the basketball court, and someone to have a table with council information in case anyone is interested in joining. If you are not able to volunteer, we would appreciate you sharing the details with anyone you know with boys and girls ages 9-14. Participation is free!

Euchre Tournament and Chili Cook-off

Our 2025 Euchre Tournament and Chili Cook-off will take place on January 25. Sign ups are available in the lounge. We already have 25 people signed up for Euchre. This event is open to everyone. You are welcome to invite friends and family. $10 to play euchre and $5 to taste the different chilis. You may enter your chili for free! Doors open at 4:30 p.m. and the chili cook-off at 5 p.m., Euchre will begin around 5:45 p.m. The lounge will also be open. The money raised this night will go to the Knights of Columbus Global Wheelchair Mission.

Acme Cash Back Program

January 14 is the end of the Acme Cash Back Program for this year. If you shop at Acme, at the bottom of your receipt is the cash back amount. Please cut off that small part of the receipt and bring them to the hall. Look for an envelope on the table where you sign the book each week to put them in or the envelope will be at the bar. At the end of the program, all receipts will be turned in to St. Francis De Sales Catholic School, our local K-8 Catholic school, who is participating in the program.

Polish American Club Fish Fry Group Dinner

Join us for a night out for a fish fry dinner at the Polish American Club before Lent starts. Friday, February 21 at 5:30 p.m. We have a sign-up sheet in the lounge to have an idea how many will be attending. Cost of dinner and drinks is on you!

Embracing Holy Intimacy: Including God in your marriage

The diocese of Cleveland is sponsoring this activity at St. Hilary Parish in Fairlawn on Saturday, February 1. This marriage enrichment event will begin after the 4 p.m. Vigil Mass. The night will start with socializing. Neil & Nellie Krawczynski are the guest speakers. Nellie is a licensed counselor and Neil is a spiritual director. The talk will center on including God in your marriage and lasts about an hour. Dinner will include chicken parmesan and wine from the St. Hilary cellars. Registration is $30 per couple. Use this Diocese link to register.

Council 3410 Fish Fry

Lent will start on Ash Wednesday, March 5, and ends with Good Friday, April 18. Fish Frys will start on March 7 and will conclude on Good Friday. Volunteer sign up sheets will be in the lounge very soon.

Craft Fair

The 2025 Spring Craft Fair will be on Saturday, April 26. Vendor tables went quickly, and we have a waitlist for those who still want a table. Doors will open at 9 a.m. for shoppers.