Membership Dues | Super Bowl Sunday | Fish Fry Organizational Meeting | Craft Fair
Grand Knight’s Message
January was quite a month for the South Akron Knights of Columbus council 3410.
At our monthly meeting we welcomed Knights of Columbus Insurance field agent Larry Suter. It was nice to meet Larry and he plans on coming to meetings quarterly. If you have any insurance questions or want to know what K of C insurance offers, Larry’s contact information is available at the hall.
On January 5, Mike Payne and Nathan Dort joined me at the St. Francis De Sales ministry fair. We met some possible future council members.
On January 11, Vince Gross and Mike Payne ran our council’s free throw championship at Queen of Heaven Parish. Thanks to those that volunteered and traveled through the snow that morning to help out. Three boys at the event will move on to the district championship on February 1 at St. Matthews.
That’s not all! On Saturday, January 25, we had our 3rd annual Euchre Tournament and Chili Cook off. This event is a fundraiser for the Knights of Columbus Wheelchair mission. This year we again raised enough money for three wheelchairs. Thank you to everyone who came out. We had 40 people play Euchre and 10 entries in the Chili Cook off. Congratulations to all our winners. Thanks to Missy Dort and Jerry Paridon for taking great care of the event!
We finished our Acme cash back receipt collection for St. Francis De Sales School. We were able to donate $876 in receipts to the school. Principal Kathryn Doughtery was very appreciative.
Continuing in January we have members volunteering their time tutoring at St. Mary’s Elementary on Thursday afternoons, through the end of the school year.
We will hold an Exemplification Ceremony on Tuesday, March 4, before our regular council meeting. We have a few men that are interested already but now is the time to talk to your family and friends to see if they are interested in joining council 3410. If everyone helps recruit, we can keep our council growing and membership strong.
If you have not been around for a while, stop by the hall on a Wednesday evening. Brothers, come to our council meeting on Tuesday Feb. 4th and let us know your ideas of where we as a council can help out in your parish or our community.
Keep reading the newsletter for future activities. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me.
Be Good Everyone. Steve Dort, Grand Knight
2025 Membership Dues
In January, dues for Brother Knights, spouses, and social members were due. Pay at the hall to save our council volunteers time and council money (postage) from mailing out notices, cards and reminders.
It is that time of year that we will be accepting nominations for the following: Knight of the Year, Family of the Year, Youth of the Year, Lady of the Year, and Chaplain or spiritual advisor. You can use these links to submit online, or a hard copy of nomination forms will be at the hall. Please have all nominations turned in by March 1. Our council nominee from each category will be turned into the state as part of the star council requirements.
- Knight of the year
- Family of the year
- Youth of the year
- Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor of the year
- Lady of the year
Super Bowl Sunday
On Sunday, February 9, the hall will be open for a Super Bowl party. $10 donation collected at the door, per person. It includes pizza, wings, Italian sandwiches, jojo’s and snacks. Covered dishes and desserts are always welcome. It will be a cash bar. Square Boards and Quarter Envelopes will be available. Come enjoy a good time with fellow members and friends!
Polish American Club Fish Fry Group Dinner
Join us for a night out for a fish fry dinner at the Polish American Club before Lent starts. Friday, February 21 at 5:30 p.m. We have a sign-up sheet in the lounge to have an idea how many will be attending. Cost of dinner and drinks is on you!
Fish Fry Organizational Meeting
Attention Fish Fry volunteers!! The organizational meeting for this year’s fish fry will be on Friday, February 28 at 5:30 p.m. Anyone wanting to volunteer is welcome, and pizza will be provided. Come hear how the Fish Fry will run, how stations are run and how you can help. Sign up in the lounge if you plan on attending so we have a headcount for food.
Fish Fry
Lent will start on Ash Wednesday, March 5, and ends with Good Friday, April 18. Fish Frys will start on March 7 and will conclude on Good Friday. Volunteer sign up sheets will be in the lounge very soon!
Craft Fair
2025 Spring Craft Fair will be on Saturday, April 26. Vendor tables are sold out. Doors will open at 9 a.m. for shoppers. Flyers will become available to share with family and friends at the beginning of April, and it will also be announced in church bulletins.
Mass for Council #3410
On Sunday, April 27 at the 8 a.m. mass at St. Paul Parish, the intention will be for all Brothers of council 3410. If you can, please attend the mass. When it is time to take up the gifts, council brothers can meet in the back of the center aisle and walk the gifts to the altar as a group. We had many people respond positively to us doing this last year.