South Akron Knights of Columbus

Council 3410

Exemplification Ceremony | Steak Out (NEW date) | Save the Dates

Grand Knight’s Message

What a month of July it was!

First, on July 2, we installed the council officers for the upcoming year. We will continue to work on increasing our membership, and using our talents to promote the Knights of Columbus organization in our area and use our treasurers to help local charities.

We had the Silver Rose Prayer Service on July 7 at St. Paul’s. I thought Fr. Pfeiffer did a great job of tying it into the Sunday mass and tying it into his homily. Thanks to everyone that attended. Did you know that St. Bernards Church has a statue of the Lady of Guadalupe built into an exterior wall of their building next to the parking lot? Also, Missy and I made a trip out to Windsor, Ohio and visited the Our Lady of Guadalupe historical monument. If you are interested in visiting, here is the address: 6600 Ireland Rd, Windsor, OH 44099.

I attended the Knights of Columbus State Tour in the middle of the month. At the meeting, I learned that our very own Tom Goodhart was named District Deputy of the year for the entire state of Ohio. Nice work, Tom!

Also at the meeting it was shown that Council #3410 was 7th in the Cleveland Diocese in sales of the Cash Bonanza tickets and brought in over $6,600 for our charity fund. Thanks to all that paricipated!

I am sure you all know by now that our Chaplain, Fr. Michael B. Smith, passed away in mid July.  Continue to keep him and the parishioners of Immaculate Conception in your prayers.  In the next few weeks council #3410 will begin the process of asking the diocese to assign us a new chaplain.  I will keep you all posted.

We had a fun group on Sunday, July 28 for lunch and the RubberDucks game. We had about 30 people join us.  It was a hot day, but the RubberDucks won! Keep an eye out for more fun family in the near future.

On Tuesday, August 6, we will have an exemplification ceremony for men ages 18 and over to join our council. If you know of anyone who may be interested in joining, have them contact our membership chairperson Pat DeShane for more information, or Steve Dort. This is a great time for those in college to join before they leave for the fall semester.

It’s that time of year for Football Crzr tickets. The $20 ticket entitles the owner the chance for prizes in each of the last ten weeks of the NFL season. In each week, the ticket owner gets 4 teams, chosen at random. If the teams’ point totals are the highest for the week or the lowest for the week, the ticket owner receives a cash prize. 23 cash prizes are awarded each week. Council #3410 had 3 winners last year. Last year we sold 159 tickets. Our goal is to sell at least 233 tickets this year. We are asking each Brother Knight to sell 2 tickets. If we do not see you at the hall, your tickets will be mailed out to you.

Finally, do you know we have a Facebook page? If you have a Facebook account and are not following us, search South Akron Knights of Columbus Council 3410 and follow us. If you are already following us, invite others to do so. We currently have 320 followers. Thank you to Brother Damian Sedlock for keeping our social media presence updated.

Be Good Everyone.
Steve Dort, Grand Knight

Steak Out – Change of date

Join us on Saturday, August 17 (a new date) for the next steak out starting at 5:30 p.m. Steak is $18, chicken is $12, and deep fried shrimp dinners are $12. You cook your steak or chicken on the grill the way you like them. We do have grill assistants to help out. Baked potato, green beans, salad, and rolls are provided. You are welcome to bring a dessert to share with everyone. You must RSVP and pay by Thursday, August 8. Everyone is invited! Sign up sheets are in the lounge. Looking ahead, we will have a Steak Out on September 21 as well.

Theology on the Rocks

Monday, August 19, Fr. Anthony Simone will be speaking. His topic is “The 5 Stones of Medjugorje & My experience on Pilgrimage.” This monthly event takes place at The Tangier in Fairlawn. Doors open at 7 p.m. and the presentation begins at 7:30 p.m. The cost is $15 for appetizers and there is a cash bar. 507 S. Cleveland Massillon Road, Fairlawn 44333.


Mark your calendars for an Oktoberfest celebration on September 25. It will be during our monthly drawing night. Watch for more information.

2024 Memorial Mass

This year’s Memorial Mass for Council #3410 at Immaculate Conception will be on Saturday, November 16, at 5 p.m. This change was needed due to the parish’s reduced mass schedule.

Bocce Ball at the Hall

Attention guys and gals! On Tuesday evenings at 6 p.m., play some bocce ball in the back of the hall, weather permitting. Last year we had a small (but fun!) group who came out and played. Those that chose to be spectators had fun, too! Bring your own beverages to stay hydrated.

Corn Hole Blind Draws

We will have corn hole blind draws on Mondays starting at 7 p.m., run by Zach DeShane. You can register on the Scoreholio app or sign up when you get there. Please reach out to Zach if you have questions.